Vespers of 1610
A grand monument of Venice.
The Vespers of 1610.
Saturday 17th June 2023
St Mary le Strand Church, WC2R 1ES
Perhaps one of Claudio Monteverdi's most enduring and spectacular works, The Queenes Chappell presents the Vespro della Beata Vergine of 1610. A grand and opulent work, Monteverdi deftly pulls together various settings of texts and canticles suitable for the Divine Office of Vespers, utilising strings, winds, singers and continuo in spectacular fashion. The music is highly varied, from the intimate Nigra Sum for one voice and theorbo, to the declamatory Deus in adiutorium with soaring cornetti. Polyphony, monody and inventive instrumentation serve as a showcase of everything the stile antico and stile moderno had to offer.
The Queenes Chappell will expand to its largest lineup yet, with a full complement of strings and continuo, for the concluding concert of our 2022/23 concert season.